19. Fireflies


Why do I have so much to say,
As I walk the road of this given day?
Like fireflies trapped in a mason jar,
Words twinkle brightly like a shining star.

They seem to come from heaven above,
A gift to me that is sent with love.
I’ve been tasked to share them with all who seek,
The humble, the gentle, the angry, the weak.

So I write them down upon the page,
As the words are given center stage.
The message brought is freedoms song,
Within your heat is where they belong.

So read them now to keep you strong,
And more will be gifted before too long.
They will help you walk your journey brave,
All the words written upon the page.

Like the shining light of the fireflies,
The words gifted to me will never die.
They come to life within my mind,
For those who seek it is power they’ll find.

They whisper to me with a quiet sound,
Be it day or night I write them down.
I am the keeper of the words,
I write them down so they can be heard.


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