21. The Child


Before the child is born to walk the earth in human form, it is gifted by the Angels with a sensitive, trusting, caring nature, as a trial for humanity. How would the human race perform, this child’s life would be the test.

Along the way, many people will enter and exit the life space of the child, all with their very own journey and purpose. On the level playing field of humanity, they will meet on earth with one purpose, the purpose of setting the grade of the common man.

Daily, to the Angel’s sadness and dismay, they watch as time after time the child loves, cares, trusts and gives its heart to those who would turn their backs to the child’s generous and abundant offerings. What is to come of the world that would treat these precious entities with such distain?  The child continues to walk the path of life, some will grow into adulthood with head held high and gifts offered in outstretched hands. Others will shrink into a corner of darkness sustained only by sadness and pain.

The child, is a gift born on the dawn of each new day, with a song of love echoing in deep in the chambers of their beating heart. Bless all who gather with the knowledge and skills to pass the test that each child brings to humanity.

Photo by Susan Kubert © 2014


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