1. House for Sale

House for Sale 1

It began with a single brick one hundred and four years ago, a vision of its maker, a labor of love or perhaps duty. Many would choose this place to call home as they were born and nurtured, grieved and passed on into eternity under this very roof. The Spirit of those who came before me welcomed me to this place that I chose to call home.

Living here has brought me joy, hardship, success, love and deep sadness as its walls witnessed my journey through time. Even now as the paint dries upon my hands in the wee hours of this frigid winter morning, I follow my Guide as it leads me to all that lies before me. As I toil away at its splendor another journeyman lingers on the cusp of decision, and this decision will put each of us on the game board of life. For one such soul, whose name I do not know, is about to embark on a life experience that will involve me, yet knows not of me. What he or she has gained or lost that will bring them to this playing field matters not as we are both living out our Divine Destiny.

May they listen to their Inner Guide and choose wisely as their choice will affect the days that I have laid out before me. What is not struggled against will flow with the riches of a brand new day. A day to listen and to know that a decision that is in the best interest of one will include the fate of many. A chain of events will begin with a single visit and will bring to a close over a decade of memories that I have shared in this space as my Spirit will join with those who came before me as a part of its lineage. So with this proud heritage I offer it up to the Universe, to guide the next seeker to its threshold and may all who seek to find be gifted with a new beginning.


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