About the Artists

The Artwork

One day while shopping at a quaint store in Lake George, New York I was Divinely guided to an art piece that would become the cornerstone for my book "A Whisper in the Wind." It was a small necklace that was a replica of a scrimshaw piece done by the artists Kim & Katherine McClelland. It was a tree bending in the wind just as I had pictured it in my mind when I wrote the title for my book.

Bent Not Broken

I wrote down their information and sent them a letter asking  permission to use their artwork for my cover. Once I looked up their information online I realized that many of their pieces closely matched the poems in my book and they were gracious enough to allow me the privilege of using their beautiful pieces throughout the entire book.

Many years passed as I struggled to get my book finished for publication. Each and every time I came close to getting into book form something would halt it. I knew that the perfect opportunity would be shown to me when the time was right guiding me to the proper outlet for my expression.

That is when I was guided to create MoonDreamer Publishing, an internet driven way to publish my work and ultimately the work of many others who have the gift of the written word and are searching for a place to shine.

My heartfelt gratitude goes out to Kim & Katherine who have waited so patiently to see our combined artistic project come together into form. It is my hope that their artwork and my writing will bring to readers on a journey to enlightenment.


Kim & Katherine McClelland


About The Artists
Kim McClelland has always loved to draw, so the fine detailing required in carving was just right for him. Once he purchases fossils from the Native American Indians in Alaska, he works around cracks, fissures and chunks of bark as he slices, polishes and engraves them. Thus a fossilized mastodon or mammoth develops a story of its own…designed and carved by Kim, and reproduced by his wife, Katherine, in a polymer resin base.
"Kim is known for his intense, detailed work…and his imagery is extensive," says Katherine. "We love being able to put artworks in the hands of those who could never afford a McClelland original. It makes his designs available to a much larger audience."
With some 300 images to choose from, Tree of Life Artworks has found a place in many homes and hearts.

A Brief History of Scrimshaw
Scrimshaw is considered to be American's only indigenous art form, outside the Native American arts. It was developed in the late 1800s by American whalers as a "thrifty waste of time" during voyages which could last up to four years. Sailors sanded and polished whale teeth or walrus tusks, providing a smooth surface on which an image was cut with sharp pointed scribes and knives. Ink was rubbed into the cuts, then wiped away from the polished surface, leaving images much like those on printing plates.
Scrimshaw declined and was somewhat neglected until the 1960s, when President Kennedy identified himself as a collector. The revival increased in the 1970s and 80s, when many people began to collect original pieces. Artists began to take up the medium, including one named Kim McClelland.

If you have questions or comments…or you would like to place an order, we'd love to hear from you.

The simplest way is an email to kmcclelland75@earthlink.net

Or feel free to write or call:
Business Address: 3289 S. Old 3C Rd., Galena, OH 43021
Phone: (740) 965-3432
Fax: (740) 965-9396




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