6. Angel


Have you met the Angel?

She is sweet and kind and her caring is unsurpassed.

Her face is beautiful and her passion for life shines through her merciful eyes.

Have you met the Angel?

She appears in times of need and struggle and with her open arms,

She comforts you in word and deed.

Have you met the Angel?

She always comes when you call her and she holds your hand in your darkest hours,

Sharing your tears.

Have you met the Angel?

She is the one who always gives so freely and asks of you nothing in return.

Have you met the Angel?

Indeed I have, she came to me cloaked in human form.

They call her “Golden Girl” and although I cannot be certain,

She seems to have been heaven sent.

Have you met the Angel?

Perhaps you have and in the haste of life you did not recognize her.

For myself I am thankful that her presence has been gifted to me,

For upon me she has cast her radiant glow.


Wtitten for My Daughter-In-Law Dori

Photo by Lilly Schelling ©2015


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