17. Fairy Elf

Fairy Elf

Deep within our family home,
Where we grew up and now since flown.
We shared our single lives each day,
And went about our separate ways.

Somewhere up on the attic shelf,
There sits a tiny fairy elf.
She is the keeper of childhood dreams,
Of candy canes and soft ice cream.

When you were little and still quite small,
And I was starting to shoot up tall,
I asked her to be with you every day,
When I was grown and moved away.

There was a large gap between our age,
Which seemed to grow bigger on life’s stage.
So I asked her to guide you while you played,
As the years went by from day to day.

Then we were separated by time and space,
And our time apart was hard to face.
There grew an empty space inside,
For which I think I went to hide.

Now that your birthday is drawing near,
For all the missed times I shed a tear.
But do not fret the fairy sings,
My gift to you is what she brings.

For you I’ve set the fairy free,
She will shorten the miles between you and me.
All you have to do is hear,
The fairy bells to know I’m near.

She now sits upon your attic shelf,
And you can access her for yourself.
For your family she will embrace,
Blessing you all with love’s full grace.


Written for My Sister Laurie 2014


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