25. Re-Home with Love from Love


Re-gifting or re-giving is the act of taking a gift that has been received and giving it to somebody else,
sometimes in the guise of a new gift –Wikipedia


Often the gift that is being re-gifted is being passed on because the person does not like it and chooses to give it to someone else who they think might enjoy it more, or in some cases just to fulfill the requirement of the gift giving ritual.

In the many years that I have been giving gifts for all occasions, I strive to step outside my own sense of style and search for a choice that matches the receivers taste. As time has passed by re-gifting for me has become a way to participate with the gift giving practice while being tightly hemmed into a confined financial structure. But I do not re-gift a gift that was previously given to me but instead choose something from among my cherished belongings, something that I believe the receiver would appreciate as well.
I call it, “Re-Home with Love from Love.”

The best thing about this process is finding that even with stepping out of my own sense of style, there are things among the items that I hold dear that have a connection to the likes and desires of the person I am gifting to, proving the common thread of our friendship. That part is the part of me that has a connection with that part of you!

With that said, I present to you this gift, “Re-homed with Love from Love” this holiday season. Among my most treasured possessions are my books, each a small jewel in my heart. I chose this one for you with special detail which I believe lie within your interests and connect us on our life’s journey. I do not feel any sadness in re-homing this item as I believe that I chose it, used it, and loved it in a way that has satisfied my need for it and was called to now gift it to you.

May you find as much joy in the receiving it as I did in the choosing, the giving, and the knowing that it will hopefully be added to your valued belongings. If at any time this gift has served its purpose in your life and you are called to, “Re-home with Love from Love” to someone else, please feel free to do so as each person it touches connects us all within the friendship of humanity.

Christmas 2015


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