1. The Crystal Prism

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There is a crystal prism not of this earthly plane, more serene than the glass surface of an undisturbed lake. This crystal houses no words, no musical notes, no past and no future. The present moment is enshrouded there and only those who have toiled to seek the understanding of its Holy Grail are allowed to stand within its sacred core. The precious breath of silence surrounds all who enter this hallowed ground and from that moment in time they are enlightened and forever changed. In the past, from time to time I have been gifted with fractional glimpses of this illusive place. When it graciously allowed me access, it veiled my being with the purest treasure of a quiet mind.

One night on the edge of sleep, as I prayed for peace of mind, the door of this magical porthole was opened to me. Through the grace of a Holy Entity, I was granted a broader entrance into the center of the crystal prism. Strangely as it may seem, I was inside of it while it was inside of me. A peace descended upon me and there was a quiet upon my mind that I have never known. A tangible stillness engulfed my being holding me in awe of what I have been striving to achieve my entire life. As I laid there in a state of frozen stillness, I could not discern if this place was just but a dream. The doors of heaven had been opened to me and I clung to the power of keeping them open for future access, never wanting them to be closed to me again.

Sleep claimed me and as the dawn crept into my awareness, I woke to find that I could access this quiet peace of mind at my beckon call. I had the control to open and close the door at my will, with the knowledge that was stored within my memory. Each moment of the day I kept a watchful eye on the traffic that streamed steadily through my mind. When negative thoughts disturbed my existence, I opened the door to the crystal prism. As it spun around inside my mind it pulled all the negative Energy that is within me and with its strength guided it away from me to another earthly plane.

On this day and every day into infinity, I give thanks for the gift that has been bestowed upon me. Afflicted with the human condition, I will forever fight the war that rages on inside my mind. Each day I will grow with the knowledge that I can perfectly replace the noise within with the quiet stillness of, the crystal prism.


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