6. Gifted

shaun 21

As a young child, I was gifted with profound spirituality. Deep within I yearned to care and give of myself to the world around me. But the world challenged me with its trials and anger, and I struggled daily not to absorb it's pain.

As a young woman, I became aware that I had not been successful, as my body had become branded while living my journey of struggle and pain as I searched far and long for the answers. I surrounded myself with teachers of deep knowledge and healing, and like a good student I sat at their feet and absorbed their teachings. With guidance and patients I gathered every bit of truth they had to offer and I began to heal. Retraining my mind was the answer as I learned that my mind was not my enemy but my ally.

I learned that my world could be anything I wanted it to be and that I could give to the world while protecting myself. I learned that I had a choice of what my thoughts would be. I learned that I had control over my thoughts and that my thoughts didn’t have control over me. I learned that I could change my life and my reality simply by what thoughts I chose to think and what words I choose to speak. I was the master of my own future, for what I thought I manifested into the reality and that would be my life story. I learned that I could be my own best friend, for it was I who knew best what I wanted and needed. With this new found knowledge I would never be alone again. I learned that comfort, understanding and the Divine Presence that I prayed to each day actually lived deep inside of my very own Soul. After practicing what I learned I began to notice a subtle shift in my Energy field, it was freeing, and empowering.

I would go on from there to co-create what I wanted my life to be, by taking control of what thoughts I would allow inside my mind and what words I chose to speak. Nothing was too grand, too big or out of my reach. I would think about prosperity and be open to receiving all of the gifts that were my given birthright. I would picture it the way I wanted it to look like and simply let go of the control and allow the Energy of the Universe work out all the details and deliver it to me. I learned that to receive I had to believe that I was deserving and all that my heart desired would be provided to me.

Photo by Shaun Trudeau (c) 2014


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