10. The Anatomy of a Tear

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A tear, conceived by a thought, fueled by emotion, grows deep in the womb of the soul.
Nurtured in the body’s inner core, like lava searching for escape,
it reaches toward the light that filters in from the window that is the eye.
Like the dew drop falling from the clinging vine it spills over the edge of the eye and falls down upon the cheek.

Embrace the tear, for it is the only tangible proof that our emotions and our physical body exist as one.
The body’s confetti in times of joy a rain storm in times of pain and sadness.

The tear, it is your heart worn upon your sleeve, an emotion transformed into physical form.
It shares your inner most feelings with world as it cleanses and frees the Energy collected,
sending it on its way to be absorbed by the body as it completes its life cycle.

Shed the tears, for what greater gift could be offered than this most intimate part of ones deepest self.
The tear, it purely connects us all in the brother and sisterhood of humanity.


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