17. Barefoot


Today as I check in with the present moment, I find myself standing barefoot on the kitchen floor. It feels organic as it connects me to Mother Earth on this early Sunday afternoon. It is warm today, the humidity is heavy in the air and as I walk my light cotton skirt moves effortlessly across my bare leg. Mindful kitchen chores set my thoughts to being ever grateful for the gifts I have been graced with in my life.

Late afternoon approaches dark in the sky above, as distant thunder heralds the coming of a spring storm. I gather the eggs in a basket, as the up-turned leaves on the trees prepare for rain. Cats curl up close by for safety, as I communicate to them my loving presence. In these captured moments, I want and yearn for nothing as all is perfect in my small corner of the world. Everything I will ever need is gifted to me in this single present moment in time.

The storm rolls away, and the thunder fades to a faint whisper, as the sun peaks out from behind the clouds revealing a small corner of blue in the sky. My mind settles upon the thought that I am blessed this day by nature, just being me, standing barefoot on the kitchen floor.


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