8. The Life Cycle of a Day

Life Cycle - Lilly

Each new day is like a birth.
The morning sun shines down on this new life, giving it warmth in which to grow.
This day is like your child, what will you teach this new life today?
It is in its infancy and needs to be carefully held and guarded.
Your thoughts, words and actions will form this young day by the Energy you bring to it.

Nurture this new life as you navigate through your morning.
As the minutes tick away, what message do you want to share with this new life,
which will make a positive imprint on how it will grow?
Choose your thoughts and words wisely,
as you want this precious life to be subjected to only positive experiences.

As high noon approaches,
the day is maturing and negative influences have tried to make an impression upon it.
The day starts to mimic the negative Energies that it has seen and heard.
You must take charge to protect it as you have been entrusted with its well-being.
Be ever vigilant to ward off these forces and protect the day like you would a child.
Bring it to a quiet place to rest, heal and regenerate.

It is late afternoon and the day is fully matured.
This is indeed a crucial time in the life cycle of the day.
Keep a watchful eye, do not let fatigue, negative people, media,
or less than optimum circumstances put a strain upon the day as it is open to influences that surround it.

Darkness falls all around the day as the sun sinks slowly in the western sky.
The night beckons the aged figure of the day to lie down and rest.
It is weary as it has traveled far and has over-come many challenges, this is the time for reflection.

Are you proud of how your day grew up?
Perhaps there are a few words or actions you could have chosen differently.
Could you have protected it more carefully from gossip, fear, and judgment?
Sever the attachments you have surrounding this day for they are moments that have passed and should not burden you further.
You have done your best to serve this day with the knowledge you had at your disposal.

Continue the learning process by being grateful for each new day you are gifted to receive and
give thanks for the opportunity to parent the days to follow.
The beauty is that you have the chance to offer any changes you wish to make to the birth of a new day.
The name of this new life is called tomorrow.


Photo by Lilly Schelling © 2015


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