A Letter from the Author


A Whisper in the Wind
Part II
A Glimpse on the Other Side of Healing

As my vessel walked through time, it gathered up subtle Energies that became part of my physical body.
Some of these Energies were good, some were bad, and some were ugly.
As my footsteps guided me on my journey it became clear to me that clearing and balancing my life through
Energy work was the way to healing. I learned that changing my thoughts and my words were the keys to changing my life.

A Whisper in the Wind, A Glimpse on the Other Side of Healing, is a collection of writings,
poems and quotes that have been born out of a life of transformation, a Soul reborn, and a Spirit saved.



Fellow traveler do not despair, for I have walked the path you walk, been where you now travel, and have toiled where you now sow. When you think you are alone I am with you, as I have walked your present footsteps in my not so distant past.
Be it fear, illness, homelessness, abuse, rejection, abandonment or betrayal, I am your companion, for it is within the bonds of humanity our Energies have collided.

Whether you find yourself standing on a bridge or by the gravesides edge, when panic overrides logic and tears flow like rain you are not alone, for through the survival of self I have been delivered to you in this moment in time to guide you. This moment combines our stories so that together we may learn, grow, heal, prevail and prosper, as we once again are made whole, and become the pure vision of what we are truly meant to be.

– Susan Kubert *)


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