1. Spirit


   – Innocence

On a cold December day, as the snowflakes drifted softly to the ground, a baby was born. She was an unplanned visitor that was delivered to the world with a purpose not yet fully known. She was gifted from the heavens with a kind, caring and sensitive spirit that over her lifetime would become wounded from a world that was often harsh and cruel.

As the baby grew into childhood, the pain of caring started to leave its indelible mark upon her physical form. Sleepless nights were long and pain filled yet she knew not how to turn her emotional back on those in need. Seeing her nature as flawed, the wise and knowing teachers of the child began the lifelong lesson of making tough her outer skin in order to protect her tender heart.

With a maturity far beyond her years the child grew into young adulthood. She gained mastery over the lessons taught her with a keen eye and learned how to spot injustice as she struggled daily to fight against it. These lessons taught her how to loathe the pretentious that used their power to control and manipulate those they thought of as lesser beings. Her Energy field soaked up the pain and suffering of those around her like a sponge and her only defense was prayer.

Many years passed by and the child is now fully grown. She is faced with having to live in a thoughtless world with not only the sensitive spirit in which she was born but also with the open eyes that were initially created to protect her. She doesn’t want to see any more for seeing makes her feel and feeling makes her hurt. The conflict between the two is a battle like no other that wreaks havoc upon her physical state as day after day the world assaults her with its insensitivity. 

Her body now tired and worn cannot shield itself from life’s daily abuses and she falls back on the defense that she had known as a child, she prays. She prays the gifts that were bestowed upon her on the day of her birth would not be put to waste. She seeks out her life’s purpose and yearns for the day when her caring Spirit will soar becoming an asset to the world and will no longer have to cause her pain.

Photo by Tree of Life Artworks


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