18. New Moon Wishing

shaun 16

One night you wished upon the moon,
When it was absent from the sky,
The Energy made the stars align,
And your dreams were set to fly.

A very special little Soul,
Came through upon your prayer,
She chose you to be her mother,
With eyes of blue and skin so fair.

Gifted from God she came to you,
Upon an Angel’s wing,
And from the day she began to grow,
She made your great heart sing.

Today we honor the day she came,
Into the world so strong,
There is no doubt with our family,
Is right where she belongs.

God bless little Jodi Jean,
A treasure more pure than gold,
Since the day she entered our lives,
Our hearts she will forever hold.


Written for My Daughter-In-Law Dori 2011


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