3. Senior Year Book

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When I was tasked to write a message to you for the yearbook in under forty words I chuckled. How could I possibly express what my mother’s heart feels with such a meager allowance? Being a writer, I have at my disposal an infinite sampling of words, yet I find myself speechless for thought as my love for you reaches far beyond the written word. You are a very special gift to the world, and when your thirst for learning is quenched, I have no doubt that your knowledge will impact that world in powerful and positive ways.  Through all of your struggles with physical adversity, you forged ahead and have become stronger in character and in Spirit. I am so very proud of the person that you have grown to be. In my heart, my soul and in my life you are a shining star.

With all of my love,


High School Senior Yearbook 2006


In infinite ways you are a special soul.  Never underestimate the power of positive thought and the passion of your convictions. Always reach for what you dream and your dreams will become your reality. 

Live, Laugh, Love


Written for My Son Shaun for His Senior Yearbook 2006


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