7. The Magical World of Lilly Leotie

Lilly's Abode 2014

Today on a scheduled outing I was blessed with a visit to a friend’s new home. It was in a small town that I had previously visited, but it was located in an area I had never been before, deep in the back woods tucked away in a little hollow. There stood a beautiful large white farm house and a gathering of several small out buildings. Even though I arrived after sundown I was greeted with a sense of community, as billowing smoke emanated from a large outdoor wood stove that I was to later learn supplied heat to all the habitants.

Stepping inside my friend’s cozy little abode was like entering a magical world of the Spirit and Soul of my friend herself. For scattered around in the most meaningful and loving ways were pieces of all that she holds dear. A Spiritual sprinkling of her pure essence cascaded down from ceiling to floor. Being there felt like our existence was solitary as if we were plucked out of the universe and were being sustained in a capsule of timeless suspension. I couldn’t help but think that nestled in these four small rooms was a complete world existing all on its own cushioned in the palm of God’s hand.

Flora, fauna, bird and pup also call this place home and coexist in beautiful harmony. The living and the non living are represented there along with the Guided Spirits of those whose lives she touched before their passing. This home speaks loudly of its possessor as it is deep but light, full of life and love, and profoundly connected to all things living and departed. All of these effects she holds dear in the most humble and reverent way.

I stayed late into the night not wanting to leave this cozy little haven for it felt like another world to me. I cautioned her to keep safe its Energy and only allow the deserving the right to enter her carefully crafted safe and sacred space. For I was guided to know that it is in that space she will become one unto her own, there she will heal and it is there she will grow into the very ideal of what she has always dreamed that she could become.

A brightly lit partial moon graced my guidance home tonight as the lights from the city ahead held a canopy over the distant horizon. I cradled the comfort I received from this visit close to my heart as I didn’t want my outside world to interrupt its enchanting spell. I am grateful for the place this friend holds in my heart, for this special visit, and all visits yet to follow. I plan to return again to this extraordinary dwelling where I can once again step into her most serene and magical world gifted with love, friendship and treasured times.


Written for My Spirit Friend Lilly Schelling 2014
Leotie is Native American for Flower of the Prarie

Photo by Lilly Schelling © 2014


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