9. Jodi Jean

Jodi Jean

Each daughter and son are precious jewels in the crown of motherhood,
That sparkle and shine like the stars in the sky.
The joy they bring cannot be pronounced,
And as they grow they carry your heart in the palm of their hands.

Time marches on and soon the child grows into adulthood,
Carrying with them the love and respect that you have nurtured along the way.
The rewards you bear will be tenfold, as you walk side by side with each other,
Sharing life in the bonds of friendship, undying love and devotion.

Then quite unexpectedly a grandchild is presented to you.
She shines  brighter than the sun,
And is more magical than the harvest moon.
The twinkle in her eyes dances among the stars along the Milky Way,
Like gold dust falling through the hands of time.

A teardrop falls for all the words that cannot be spoken,
Because they are held so deep within your heart and have yet to be written.


Written for My Granddaughter Jodi Jean November 2, 2012


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