9. A Very Chilly Night



September 2000

It is a very chilly night,
The kind of night that I love to snuggle,
Deep under the bed covers and dream the hours away.

Though my bed is made just for one,
It seems immense here without you to hold me closely within.
I long to stretch out alongside the entire length of your virile body,
Your arms securely around me.
There we would sleep the night away,
Finally at peace in each other’s arms. 

Or just to doze, for sleep would take you too long from my sight.
Since you cannot be here with me tonight,
I will recall the memories that we have safely tucked away,
Of the warmth and tenderness we shared when we last you were here. 

Tonight when all lay deep in slumber,
Perhaps you are also awake where you lay,
Wishing that you were here hold me,
On this chilly night.


Artwork by Clare Elsaesser © all rights reserved


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