A Letter from the Author


The Many Faces of Eve

She walks the earth inside one skin,
Yet she is many faces housed within.

She is a child.
Striving to please, needing approval, easily hurt.
Small and insignificant,
She is a child.

She is a mother.
A fierce protector of her young,
Nurturing, caring, always selfless in her giving.
Ever and again putting herself last,
She is a mother.

She is a bitch.
Screaming out at life’s injustices,
Endlessly guarding against the many who would seek to exploit her.
Endeavoring to even the score,
When the scales of justice tip unfairly against the weak.
She is a bitch.

She is a lover.
Giving her heart to the treasured one,
Who holds her gently in the palm of his hand.
To the one who challenges her to think in a new way,
Who saves, guides and protects her.
Who makes her smile every day,
And endeavors to make her life worth living,
She is a lover.

She is a sinner.
Breaking all the rules for that love.
Pushing the boundaries of righteousness,
For a piece of happiness that she cannot live without.
To the moral, judging world her secret realm would seem immoral.
For by her choices she sows the seeds of pain onto the innocent,
She is a sinner.

She is a saint.
For all she has given,
For all she has suffered,
For all she has endured.
For to the world she has given all she has to give,
She is a saint.

These the many faces of Eve are the many faces of me.

– Leila Skye

Artwork by Clare Elsaesser © all rights reserved


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