4. It Makes Me Smile

4. Rosie


July 2000

It makes me smile,
The tiny glass elephant that sits delicately in the corner of my shelf.
Given to me to ease my sadness,
A symbol of possible better luck in the days ahead.

The choosing of this precious object took time and careful thought.
In its diminutive size it speaks grandly that the giver knows,
My mind, my heart and my soul, the foundation of all great love.
This gift went far in proving that even the smallest package can be filled with meaning and beauty.

This wee elephant has taken its rightful place as my most beloved possession,
Replacing all other treasures that came before it.
How glad it makes my heart to set my eyes upon it or to recall it within my mind.
For each and every time I do so, it makes me smile.


Artwork by Clare Elsaesser all rights reserved


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