A Letter from the Author

A Letter from the Author WTTS

Windows to the Soul
Susan Kubert

The days, months and years surrounding the outpouring of these words onto the page were wrought with pain, sadness, and illness however they were also ripe with an awakening of that which slept dormant deep within my Inner Self. These collective entities propelled me towards a new understanding of the ways of the Universe and ultimately the secret of  life itself.

As I sit here transcribing the poems of this book for publication I can see clearly how far I have come and how during this time I was but an infant in the New Age paradigm of Energy Science.  As I read the words that were written those many years ago I stand back from judgment of myself and the concern about being judged by others for I have been guided to know that sharing a window to your soul is a pure gift that weaves together the fabric of humanity. An expression of feelings in word, art or song reveals to us an Inner Truth. As it is heard or seen upon the page it frees us to separate from the physical body leaving room for new growth and understanding.

Since those days I have been enlightened, learned, grown and healed in ways I never knew were possible. I now know that the path I traveled through the fire and the storm brought me though a transformation that I like to call, The Alchemy of my Divine Self. Fellow travelers, wherever you find yourself on your path, whether you are young or old in years or Spirit know that it is never too late to learn a new way of thinking, to reinvent yourself and adopt a  new truth one that will open a window to your very Soul.

Susan Kubert *)


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