36. Alice

Lilly 1


One day while I was walking by,
Reaching for my goals,
My whole world turned upside down,
As I fell down the rabbit hole.

Everything I thought was solid,
Had been pulled from beneath my feet,
And I prayed the mighty Universe,
Would replace it with something sweet.

Just like Alice in Wonderland,
There were times when I felt small,
But as I looked down upon myself,
My courage made me tall.

Things in the darkness were oddly real,
As I looked around that place,
So I searched in every corner,
For a new reality I could embrace.

I’d fallen down the rabbit hole,
Everything was upside down,
Where outside I showed a smile,
Inside was a bigger frown.

I saw myself managing,
From one day to the next,
Looking for what was best for me,
Trying to have faith I’d pass the test.

I reached for things to be grateful for,
Whatever came my way,
As challenges entered into my world,
Would offer me a brand new day.

I prayed that I’d be gifted,
Things that were on my precious list,
For I was worthy of the treasures,
And everything that I had wished.

I’m still living in the rabbit hole,
My life is not real to me,
As I wander around like Alice,
Wondering what will become of me.


Photo by Lilly Schelling © 2014


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