5. My Daughter

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The Angels celebrated on the day you were born,

For they had been working since early that morn.

As they bestowed upon you skin so fair,

They sprinkled gold dust in your hair.

With wings like that of feathered lace,

They painted beauty upon your face.

From the mornings early dew,

They created your eyes a magnificent blue.

With much creating ahead of them still,

They breathed within you a very strong will.

As your tiny spirit trembled with fear,

The Angels promised that they would always be near.

The weight of compassion they set in your hand,

For the weak and the small you would always stand.

The world was in need of a sensitive soul,

So the Angels gifted you with a heart of gold.

They knew at times life would make you cry,

Upon Ange’ls wings they said you would fly.

They infused you with a body strong,

For the days on earth that are often long.

They smiled brightly when their job was done,

For creating such a treasure had been so much fun.

Their creation completed you were like no other,

With blessings from heaven,

I was chosen your mother.

My dearest daughter you will always be,

The Angles precious gift to me.


Written for My Daughter Amy


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