6. The Simple Act of Exsisting



Sometimes the simple act of existing is all consuming,
It is such a task it leaves room for little else.

It has been a delicate balancing act,
Putting aside all the things that are too painful to deal with,
So I am able to continue on with the course of my daily existence.

The days and weeks slip by,
The seasons come and go,
I am existing.

And then something as simple and natural as the snow falling,
Plunges me into deep despair.
A once treasured occasion now pulls at my heart,
It fills my mind with doubt and brings a tear to my eye

Each tiny snowflake represents all of the things in my life of which I have no control.
As I watch it fall gently outside my windowpane,
I will try and regain my balance.

For now I know,
The only thing I have strength enough to achieve is,
The simple act of existing.

Photo by Tree of Life Artworks


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