7. Find the Strength


– Lessons Learned from the Wind

I must find the untapped strength I harbor deep within.
My body must endure the burdensome pressures the rigorous world will put on me today.

My mind will catalog it all,
Put everything neatly in its proper place,
Encourage my body to keep up the pace.

There are those who will test that strength,
Continually echoing I am weak of mind,
My body not up to the punishing task.

They that say I can ease the pain of my body by tricking my mind,
With a daily regiment of coping skills found in a little white pill.

I must now look to myself to try harder,
Force my will to be stronger,
For I cannot surrender the final foothold of control I possess,
That which is my mind.

The path is set and onto it my feet will carry me into an unknown future.
Though the outside world will continue to besiege me,
Somehow, somewhere, deep within,
I must find the strength.

Photo by Tree of Life Artworks


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