21. Standing on the Bridge


– Drawing a Close on the Day

It is dusk

I am walking, walking very fast

The air is chilly

Eyes cast down

Seeing the pavement  pass under my feet, seeing nothing else

The tears won’t come, all the pain won’t go

It is only Wednesday

My mind hurts

Don’t look both ways crossing the street

Walking up the bridge

High, very high

The traffic is loud

The cars fly by so close behind me

I hold on tight

I need to scream, I can’t someone might hear over the din

A bus roars by, the bridge shakes

Society walks by, no one speaks

Looking over

Feels like I am standing in the middle of the highway

The trucks seem to pass right through me

I am outside but the air is not fresh

The wind blows my hair

Have been standing on the bridge for an hour, it feels like minutes

Getting tired, want to sit but can’t bend my legs

The police come

“What is your name?”

“What do you want it to be?”

“What are you doing standing on the bridge?”


“Thinking about what?”


“What is happening in your life?”


He knows I am lying

I won’t tell, he can’t make me

I like it that he doesn’t know who I am, it feels good to be anonymous

I tell him I will go home now

I don’t want to go

I like it here

Just finding a little peace

Standing on the bridge

Photo by Tree of Life Artworks


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