4. Did You?


Were you in the Spirit of Present Mind Thinking today?

Did you hear the bird that was singing outside the open window when you woke up to greet the day?

Did you smell the dew upon the dawn?

Did you really taste and enjoy your morning coffee?

Did you happen to see the dandelion seed float by while you were driving to work?

Did you notice that the beggar woman had no laces in her left shoe?

Did you see how the cool breeze gently swayed the curtain back and forth in the dining room window?

Did you feel the warm soapy water as it washed over your hands while doing the dinner dishes?

Did you look deeply into the precious eyes of the ones you hold so dear before you closed your eyes upon the day?

Every Present Moment is an opportunity to check in with yourself to see if you are being aware of the Now.

It is in the Now where all treasured gifts are delivered, for encapsulated in the Spirit of The Present Moment is where your next great idea, vision or inspiration will be born. Take the moment to notice and embrace all that it has to offer.


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