5. Connected to Source


In the quiet solitude of a sunny spring morning, I sit in humble silence listening for a whisper from my Divine Source. I have created time and space for my Divine voice to grow, so that I may hear its guidance within the din of my human mind. Only the tick of the clock and the purr of the cat invade this contained place. I do not project my questioning prayers up to the heavens, but direct them down deep within my core where I know the answers truly live.

“Go out into nature,” I hear, “In the cool shade of morning where the precious song of nature and the sweet smell of the morning dew will cradle you to its bosom. I will not let you falter; I will not let you fail, for I have placed you in the sheltered circle of Divine protection. Shed the past and fear not the future, for it is within the seed of this present moment that you will find peace, and the answers that your searching heart yearns to gather. You are safe within this moment, and the moments to come are pregnant with joyous possibilities. That which you pray for and deeply desire lies in the palm of your hand. Do not squeeze too tightly as you will crush its fragile shell. The days to come will be a pilgrimage, and within the vessel of human deprivation you will grow, bloom and prosper. During this sabbatical, tidy your dwelling place and purge that which no longer serves you. Spend extended time in meditation, and find peace in the arms of your sister nature. Be at home within your being, trust and have deep abiding faith that I walk with you, laugh with you, cry with you and live each day to serve you. I will never leave you for I live deep inside the very core of you amid the silence of your true self. When you feel that I am not there for you or that you cannot hear my message, it is only because you have let your hectic mind close the door that is the portal to my voice. Daily, sit in silence and listen closely and I will guide you. I love you deeply for you are forever my most beloved creation. Go in peace and love, share your gifts and shine your light upon the waiting world.”

Today I have made a connection to that which is so Divinely sacred and I am forever changed. I am filled with gratitude as my heart feels lifted and my burdens lighter. Step by step and mile by mile I will walk the path that has now been sprinkled with the golden dust of faith. I will bless each moment for this most treasured gift. From now into eternity I say from the bottom of my grateful heart, thank you, thank you, thank you.

And so it is written, and so it shall be ever true.


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