A Letter from the Author


The Manuscript of a Musing Mind
Poems and Writings by
Susan Kubert

Dear Ones,

Often our busy minds keep us bound within the trappings of the world we live in. The more time I sit in silent contemplation the more I am able to free my mind to hear the whisper of my deep more insightful self. When I quiet my ego mind I sleep deeply and dream openly for it is in this time of clear and present moment existence I write without thought. The words present themselves and I write them down with little effort. When the trials of my heavily laden mind are quiet, I feel lighter and lifted with new gifts that I am able to open each and every day. I give gratitude for these extended times of peace and give thanks for the days that I’m gifted with quiet mind awareness, as it feels like what I think heaven must be like.

It is my hope that some of the words that I have written will touch your life and your soul only in the way that your Guided Source has intended and that you will find strength, peace and hope that as I live so shall you.

Susan Kubert *)


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